I really enjoy RSS feeds! Keeping up with news, technology, and local happenings is a passion of mind. RSS feeds make reading the news so much more efficient. I don't have to open up each individual web site and comb over other stories that I have already looked at. A feed aggregator such as Bloglines does all the work for me. The Bloglines web site was new to me, however, I had used Google's RSS service called Google Reader. Although Bloglines does a nice job of making the start-up process easy for new users, I find that Google Reader's layout is more streamlined and easy to use.
RSS aggretators are a great example of how technology can actually make us more efficient!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
7 1/2 Habits for Lifelong Learning
Check out the tutorial here for the 7 1/2 habits for successful lifelong learning. The habit that is most challenging to me is #3: View problems as challenges. If I don't watch myself, I can find problems frustrating because I just want to accomplish my end goal. However, it is good to remember that problems are part of the learning process. The easiest habits for me are number 6: Use technology to your advantage and 7 1/2: Play! I absolutely love playing with new gadgets and software, so I tend to automatically gravitate toward the latest and greatest technologies.
A journey starts with a single step
This blog is for practicing new web 2.0 technologies and sharing my discoveries along the way.
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