Monday, January 7, 2008

Worlds Collide on Facebook

I have used Facebook for about a year now. I enjoy the service and have used it to post photos and keep in touch with friends around the world. A couple of months ago, I began receiving friend requests from co-workers who found me on Facebook. How cool! I was excited and surprised at the same time. I had never told any co-workers I had a Facebook page--yet they found me through the magic of the internet. I am a little reserved at work, so Facebook provides a way for me to connect with co-workers on a personal level that I often do not take the opportunity to do face-to-face.

Imagine that....a web site that brings people together who see one another all the time, yet never connected on a personal level! While there are many things about the internet that divide us and separate us, Facebook is a good example of technology that can bring people together.

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